Mount and blade honor rating
Mount and blade honor rating

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mount and blade honor rating mount and blade honor rating

Polish Kingdom and the Ottoman Porta are fighting for the domination in the region and Sweden is ready to expand into the east Features: - New realistic large global map with 10 factions, 26 towns, 94 castles and villages - Historical lords, claimants, reworked NPC - New atmospheric music - New quests - New scenes - New map icons - New trade goods - New hair and skins - Reworked tournaments with improved combat AI - New banners - Patrols, Scouts, Outriders - Nearly new items - Tactics and formations - New combat animations, two attack directions for pikes, spear bracing and crouching, AI kicking - New recruitment system and more. Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Porta are fighting for the domination in the region and Sweden is ready to expand into the east Features: - New realistic large global map with 10 factions, 29 towns, 91 castle and villages - Historical lords, claimants, reworked NPC - Diplomacy mod added - New atmospheric music - New quests - New scenes - New map icons - New trade goods - New hair and skins - Reworked tournaments with improved combat AI - New banners - Patrols, Scouts, Outriders - Nearly new items - Tactics and formations - New combat animations, two attack directions for pikes, spear bracing and crouching, AI kicking - New recruitment system - Improvement of horse archers AI - Bribe town authorities to gain right to rule - Wagenburgs - Field armies - Ability to start as faction ruler or noble and more.Ĭredits for Music: Audionautix. Lithuania is going trough a political decay and gradually falls under the influence of Poland. Starosta of Cherkasy, Dmytro Baida Vyshnevetsky managed to fortify the island of Mala Khortytsia on the Dnipro beyond the rapids and started organizing a Cossack army against the Crimean Khanate and turks. Meanwhile, the Crimean Khanate from the south carries devastating raids on the Christian population, killing and taking away captive thousands of people annually. Muscovite Tsardom was isolated from European trade and politics and aspired to get access to the Baltic Sea, this aspects prompted the Tsar to declare war on the Livonian Confederation. In the year muscovite grand prince Ivan the Terrible took the title of Tsar of the Russia and during the next decade conquered Kazan and Astrakhan.

Mount and blade honor rating